[DOF] No Shave November!

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[DOF] No Shave November!

Wazzup, wazzup UN family? Time sure flies so fast! It's already November! WOOH! And November means NO SHAVE NOVEMBER! Does it really apply to you guys (and girls)? 

That facial hair that adds a little bit more of charisma to the men, don't you agree? If you don't then let's appreciate some famous international actors that really do envibe the mustache or the beard they grow.

Number one on the list is Chris Evans!

Image result for chris evans 

Words couldn't even describe how handsome he is with that much facial hair. I am a huge fan of Captain America and I tell you, he is just splendidly handsome with or without shaving. But, let's go to our point, HE IS HANDSOME!

Number two, topping off, with another Chris -- Chris Hemsworth!

Image result for chris hemsworth

If Captain America can't persuade you to like the "NO SHAVE NOVEMBER" then, let's go with our all-star famous Thor! Let me just tell you again, HE IS HANDSOME! I cannot emphasize enough how good-looking these guys are with their beards.

Lastly, last but not the least, Keala Settle!

Image result for keala settle the greatest showman

She may not look best with a beard, but she motivated a lot of people in the movie, The Greatest Showman, through her singing skills. This diva could move you through her songs and let you appreciate the body you've got.


So may it be no hair, less hair, more hair, let us appreciate our bodies and ourselves more! Moreover, you could donate your hair for cancer patients all over the world, so let loose that hair and donate it next month!



Send a picture of your Habbo avatar with your Bearded (or Moustached) costume and get bonus 500 RP! Be the part of our showcase too!

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DumbDumb with bread


I am a bearded girl on a mission. I stick my hand into my beard for all the tools I need, as well as warmth and consolation

woman with a long beard :)
DumbDumbFun with breed
mmmm beardZ

happy no shave november !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SQEALS im so happyy u put two

SQEALS im so happyy u put two the chrises there!!!!!!! UWU

Sleepy beard
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