{Department Of Protection: New and Improved!}

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{Department Of Protection: New and Improved!}

Many of you are familiar with the Department of Protection (DOP), but did you know that we’ve made some major changes recently to make it even more current and relevant?

The DOP has recently been restructured to focus more on our core purpose. We exist to uphold the UN Rules & Guidelines in two ways. First, we strive to be proactive in our enforcement of the rules by educating new users of every aspect of the UN Rules & Guidelines. Second, we are reactive, when necessary, by providing justice when the Rules & Guidelines are violated.

If keeping the UN a safe, fun place to workplace is something you are interested in, talk to a DOP member today to find out how you can get an application! Spaces are limited, so apply today!

Your DOP Owners,
JamesOfCanada and Quarantine.

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