[DOC] Why I decided to join the UN (compeition vs. peace)

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[DOC] Why I decided to join the UN (compeition vs. peace)


It is quite obvious that there is considerable competition between agencies in getting the most habbos as possible in joining. From the constant welcoming messages as we enter bases to the flashing texts on agency website, it is not wrong to say that this competition is intense, yet subtle. Even though how we can not change the intensive nature of this competition, how we choose to approach it is always a choice. There are two extremes of the type of approaches agencies choose. One end is a more war-like one. The agency I used to work for paid me to infiltrate other agencies and sabotage using alternate accounts. Going along the spectrum we see a more moderate apporach. Some agencies form alliances to assure mutual growth in respect to agencies outside. UN falls on the other far end of this spectrum. UN does not consider anything a serious competition, something I had a hard time coming to terms with. The UN concentrates only on the growth of the community and not with respect to anything but to itself. For this reason, I feel like we may not be topping others in population size, but we indeed have the chillest and most dedicated.


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