January Recruitment Campaign

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January Recruitment Campaign

One of our main goals and concern is the growth and current population within our community. Not only do we wish to make sure all of our members within our community are always supported and encouraged to do well and their very best, we also wish to prepare for our future generation to come, United Nations is a community within Habbo Hotel, and like any game we will all experience the difficulties of maintaining an active status with our virtual life and do well and at the same time focus on life commitments and other responsibiilities.

I would like to personally thank everyone within our community who has dedicated endless time and dedication towards our team, making it what is is Today. Standing strong since 2014. Words so not explain how proud I am to see us reach so far and for more memories and fulfilling moments to cherish within our future.  

We have created a summer recruitment compaign for the Foundation team where members will be split into different groups and work together to recruit as many members into our community.

I would like to Congratulate every single team for working together as a team and during the Month of January we all have not only just grown stronger as one, but also as individuals. I am honestly so proud of each and everyone of our members within United Nations and to have such a motivated support group as our Foundation team. We experience all of the possible dilemmas and events that occur within our community and still we stand together as one.







Congratulations to "Blue Team" for winning our very first summer recruitment campaign of the Month of January, taking home the title of recruiting 53 unique members into UN, you guys will be taking home 250 habbo credits.

In total, as a team we have recruited 187 unique members to our community, that is 187 new faces, new thoughts and new ideas to help benefit our community and help build our community to acheive and strive. 
I would also like to thank one of our very own, EdenAce for having the highest individual record of recruiting 32 unique members into our community. I never understood why your favourite colour was yellow, but now its very clear that yellow represents the colour of gold and this year, you have shined so bright within our community. We are so lucky to have you as our shiney golden boy.



"I never understood why your favourite colour was yellow". LMAO. Same. I only understood that Eden is just our favourite rotten cheese and Mr. Laggy. :D

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