Still don't have my rank points back....

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Still don't have my rank points back....

Still don't have my rank points back. ;-;

How many are you...

How many are you missing?

Ranks points

I'm missing 10000 rank points, and 10000 pay points should be taken away. It seems they got mixed up in my last transaction. c:

I have spoken to the Owner who paid you and...

I have spoken to the Owner who paid you and checked your account log and I have fixed it so now you have the correct rank points and pay points. I apologize for the confusion and misunderstanding. - Main Owner

Thanks for fixing the points!

Thanks for fixing the points! It's just now, I still can't use the 'Newest Agent Utility' and the Trainer guide isn't there. 

Trainer Quiz, sorry. Not

Trainer Quiz, sorry. Not guide. :p

glqxz9283 sfy39587stf02 mnesdcuix8